Cacciagrano Diletta Romana



Diletta Romana Cacciagrano received the Computer Science degree in 1999 from the University of L’Aquila (Italy), and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2003 from the University of Roma La Sapienza (Italy).

She moved to the University of Penn State (State College, Pennsylvania, USA)  in 2002, collaborating with Catuscia Palamidessi on the communication topic in concurrent and distributed systems, by means of suitable process algebras.  She also moved to the Ecole Polytechnique (Paris, France]) several months in 2005-2006-2007-2008, collaborating with Catuscia Palamidessi and Frank Valencia in an expressiveness study of linearity and persistence in concurrency, by means of suitable process algebras.

Since 2004 she is a Researcher in the COmplex SYstems Research Group, (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Camerino, Italy).

She is the UNICAM delegate at the Student Advisory Service for the Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree course in Computer Science.

Her research interests are principles of theory of concurrency, formal description techniques and analysis tools for concurrent systems, agent technologies  for GRID architectures, formal description and  automated  testing and verification of Web services, knowledge modeling and ontology languages, operating systems principles and development.



Address: Polo Informatico, via Madonna delle Carceri 9, 62032 Camerino (MC), Italy

Phone: (+39) 0737 402573

Fax: (+39) 0737 402561

E-mail: diletta.cacciagrano at