We are glad to announce the 1st Computer Science and Mathematics Workshop at the International School of Advanced Studies (SAS) at the University of Camerino.
Motivation and goals
What about research in Computer Science and Mathematics? Computer Science is constantly increasing in complexity with many and many new fields of research emerging, Mathematics reveals to be the fundamental tool to face the complexity and support innovative technology. Here, at the University of Camerino, we are involved in some of these fields as:
Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
Business Information Systems
Computing and Mathematics
Data Science and Machine Learning
Embedded Systems and IoT
Intelligent Civil Engineering
Intelligent Healthcare Protection
Investment Valuation in Software and Data
Machine learning econometrics for business analytics and finance
Methodological Aspects of Science Education
Natural language processing for business analytics and finance
Optimization and Machine Learning
Process Management
Software and Information System Engineering
Software Systems Design and Formal languages
The main goal of the workshop is to discuss the many aspects of the Computer Science and Mathematics research fields, to present a broad perspective of this subject, and look for possible (unexpected) interconnections.
The presentations are aimed at providing an international view of a wide range of research topics in Computer Science and Mathematics. The workshop includes a coffee break offered to the participants, during which all the Ph.D. students in Computer Science and Mathematics are going to present their work, through seminars and posters. It is a nice opportunity for discussing, sharing new ideas, and more generally networking. The event is completely free for the participants. A lunch/coffee break will be offered during the poster session.
The event will be transmitted freely online and live at the following link: https://unicam.webex.com/meet/dottorato.cs
Important dates
Report submission April 1st, 2022 CET - Deadlines are firm, late submissions will not be considered.
Poster submission April 10th, 2022
Notification April 20th, 2022
Workshop April 26th, 2022 - May 17th, 2022
Submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csmw2022
Submission Guidelines
The Report must present the activities the PhD candidate has performed during the past year to be evaluated for admission to the next year or to the Grand Finale. The submissions are done via Easychair. The use of pdflatex and the REPORT Style are mandatory: reports that deviate significantly from the required format risk rejection without consideration of merit.
The Poster must summarize, also graphically, the scientific results of the ongoing research activities of the PhD candidate The submissions are done via Easychair. The use of pdflatex and the POSTER style are mandatory: reports that deviate significantly from the required format risk rejection without consideration of merit.
Organizing Committee
Prof.ssa Emanuela Merelli
Prof.ssa Barbara Re
Program Committee
Doctoral Council Members and CS-MATH young researchers