CS 401 -- Distributed Calculus and Coordination

Fall 2008


The lectures scheduling from October 1st to November 31th will the same as Reactive Systems :

lectures scheduling from Dicember 1st to January 31th:
Monday 15:00 - 18:00    (room-aula AB3)
Tuesday 15:00 - 17:00    (room-aula AB3)
Wednesday 9:00 - 11:00   (room-aula AB3)

office :
Monday 18:00 - 20.00

11 February 2008

Exam can be fixed directly with the teacher
For students that have followed the Reactive Systems module the exam will be only oral and it will be based on the two modules of "Coordination models" and "MAS".

teaching materials:
- Articles given by the teacher
- Andrew Tanenbaum, Distributed Systems, Prentice Hall, 2002
- A. Omicini, F. Zambonelli, M. Klusch, R. Tolksdorf, Coordination of Internet Agents, Springer Verlag
Rocco De Nicola, Rosario Pugliesi, Sistemi Concorrenti e Distribuiti, Universita' degli Studi di Firenze, 2004
Michael Wooldridge, An Introduction to Multiagent Systems, Wiley, 2002: cap 8

software per il laboratorio:
- Klaim, X-Klaim e Klava: http://music.dsi.unifi.it/klaim.html 
- HermesV2: http://hermes.cs.unicam.it  
