CS ST0279 -- Distributed Calculus and Coordination

Fall 2010

I semester -- October 4th 2010 - January 31th 2011


lectures scheduling
Twesday 11:00 - 13:00    (room/aula AB3)
Wednesday 11:00 - 13:00   (room/aula AB3)

Wednesday 15:00 - 18:00  (room/aula AB3)

office hours
Polo Informatico, Via Madonna delle Carceri, 9 - 1st floor, room n. 19
Wednesday 18:00 - 20.00

Thursday 15:00 - 17.00

exams scheduling
written exam

7 February 2011

18 February 2011
20 June 2011

project discussion
9 February 2011

18 February 2011
22 June 2011
11 July 2011
5 September 2011
19 September 2011
For specific cases, the exam can be directly fixed with the teacher
You must subscribe to the exam by using this site

teaching materials
- Michael Wooldridge, An Introduction to Multiagent Systems, Wiley, 2009
Cap. 1,2,6,7,8,9,11 (for working student)

- on-line articles racommended by the teacher
- slides

software for the project
- HermesV2: http://hermes.cs.unicam.it
- Klaim, X-Klaim e Klava: http://music.dsi.unifi.it/klaim.html
- Repast: http://repast.sourceforge.net/repast_3
- SWARMS: http://www.swarm.org
