Cacciagrano Diletta Romana



  • Specification, analysis and verification of concurrent and distributed systems:

Application of untimed (CCS, CSP, Pi-Calculus) and timed formal languages (TCCS).

  • Communication expressiveness in concurrent and distributed systems:

Synchrony vs Asynchrony; Broadcasting vs Peer- to-Peer.

  • Agent Technology:

Agent-oriented middleware for GRID architectures.

  • Web Services:

Formal description and automated testing and verification.

  • Knowledge Modeling and Management:

Ontology languages.

  • Operating systems principles and development.



Book Chapter


  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini - “Expressiveness of Timed Events and Timed Languages”- Invited Paper, Chapter of the book for SFM’04 (2004). “4th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of  Computer, Communication and Software Systems: Real Time”, 98-131 (2004).

National Conference


  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini - “Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication: Some Expressiveness Results”- In the Proc. Of WSDAAL2001, Como (2001).

International Conference


  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini, E.Merelli, G.Romiti, L.Vito - “Resourceome: a Multilevel Model and a Semantic Web Tool for Managing Domain and Operational Knowledge”- In the Proc. of  SEMAPRO’09 (3rd International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing). IEEE,  (2009).

  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini, R.Culmone, L.Vito - “Constraint-based Dynamic Conversations”- In the Proc. of ICNS’09 (5th International Conference on Networking and Services). IEEE, 7-12 (2009).

  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini, R.Culmone, L.Vito, L.Tesei - “A Model-Prover for Constrained Dynamic Conversations”- In the Proc. of IIWAS’08 (10th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services). ACM, ISBN 978-1-60558-349-5, 630-633 (2008).

  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini, J.Aranda, F.D.Valencia  - “Persistence and Testing Semantics”-  In the Proc. of Express’07.  ENTCS-Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 194(2), 59-84 (2008).

  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini, C. Palamidessi  - “Fair Pi”-  In the Proc. of Express’06. ENTCS - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 175(3),  3-26 (2007).

  • E.Bartocci, D.Cacciagrano, N.Cannata, F.Corradini, E.Merelli, L.Milanesi, P.Romano - “A GRID-based multilayer architecture for bioinformatics” – In the Proc. of  NETTAB’06 (VI International Workshop on Network Tools and Applications in Biology) (2006).

  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini, R.Culmone, L.Vito - “Dynamic Constraint-based Invocation of Web Services”- In the Proc. of WSFM’06 (3rd International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods) . LNCS, 4184, 138-147 (2006).

  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini, C.Palamidessi - “Separation of Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication via Testing”- In the Proc. of Express’05. ENTCS - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 154(3),  95-108 (2006).

  • R.Amici, D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini, E.Merelli – “A Process Algebra View of Coordination Models with a Case Study in Computational System Biology” – In the Proc. of PNC’04 (1st International Workshop on Coordination and Petri Nets) (2004).

  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini - “On Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Paradigms”- In the Proc. of  ICTCS’01 (2001). LNCS 2202, 256-268 (2001).



  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini, C. Palamidessi  - “Explicit Fairness in Testing Semantics ”.  LMCS - Logical Methods in Computer Science, CoRR abs/0904.2340 (2009).

  • E.Bartocci, D.Cacciagrano, N.Cannata, F.Corradini, E.Merelli, L.Milanesi, P.Romano - “An Agent-based Multilayer Architecture for Bioinformatics Grids”. IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience 6(2), 142-148 (2007).

  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini, C.Palamidessi - “Separation of Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication via Testing”. TCS- Theoretical Computer Science, 386, 218–235 (2007).

Technical Report


  • D.Cacciagrano, F.Corradini - “Must Testing, Fairness and Encodings from the Pi-Calculus into the Asynchronous Pi-Calculus” - Technical Report 006/2004, Computer Science Department, University of  L’Aquila (2004).