Research Interest

Flavio Corradini main research activities are in the area of formal specification, verification of concurrent, distributed and real-time systems.
He published more than 100 papers in the main journals and conference of his area of interest like Journal of ACM, Journal of Computer and System Science, Information and Computation, Theoretical Computer Science, Science of Computer Programming, Communications of ACM, ICALP, Concur, MFCS, AMAST. He was involved (acting, in some cases, also as
coordinator) in several national and international projects.
Flavio Corradini was member of the Steering Committee of the series of conferences FORMATS (Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems, 2004-2009),
co-Scientific Director of the 4th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication and Software Systems: Real Time and
co-author of the book "A Process Algebraic Approach to Software Architecture Design" (Springer). He was Program co-Chair of the first edition of the Workshop MTCS 2000 (Models for Time-critical Systems) and Program co-Chair of the following workshops and conferences: MTCS 2001, EXPRESS 2003 (Expressiveness in
Concurrency), EXPRESS 2004, WOA 2005, LMCS 2006, ICTCS 2010. He was/is member of the Program Committee of the following workshops and conferences
MTCS 2000,2001,2002, FORMATS 2003, ICTCS 2003, EXPRESS 2003, FORMATS&FRTTCS 2004, ARTS 2004, EXPRESS 2004 FORMATS 2005, LICS 2006,
FOSSACS 2006,2007, FCT 2007, QAPL 2008,2009, FM 2009, CAI 2009, SEFM 2009,2010, EPEW10.
Prof. Flavio Corradini
University of Camerino
School of Science and Technology
Via Madonna delle Carceri, 9
62032 Camerino (MC) - Italy
Phone +39 0737 402564
Fax +39 0737 402561br