LOCATION: Aula Arangio Ruiz and Aula Cantelmo Pasqui, Palazzo Ducale, Piazza Cavour


Aula Arangio Ruiz

10.00 - 10.30     Registration
10.30 - 10.45     Opening the Workshop on Performability-Aware
Computing: Logics, Models, and Languages (PaCo)
10.45 - 11.45     L'Aquila Research Unit
11.45 - 12.45     Torino Research Unit
12.45 - 14.15     Lunch Break
14.15 - 15.15     Camerino Research Unit
15.15 - 16.15     Firenze Research Unit
16.15 - 16.45     Coffee Break
16.45 - 18.00     Marco Bernardo
Markovian Behavioral Equivalences:
Their Spectrum, Some Known Results, and One Open Problem
18.00     Registration
18.30     Welcome Cocktail "sotto corte"


Aula Arangio Ruiz

9.00 - 10.00     Stefano Crespi Reghizzi
A century of parentheses languages
10.00 - 10.40     Pietro Sala
Decidability of Interval Temporal Logics
10.40 - 11.00     Coffee Break

Aula Arangio Ruiz
Track A - Formal Languages
Aula Cantelmo Pasqui
Track B - Concurrency
11.00 - 11.25 Anton Cerny
Fuzzy words

Furio Honsell, Marina Lenisa and Rekha Redamalla
Equivalences and Congruences on Infinite Games
11.25 - 11.50 Flavio D'Alessandro and Arturo Carpi
Locally strongly transitive automata and the Hybrid Cerny-Road coloring problem

Alessandro Aldini
Behavioral Equivalences and Approximations

11.50 - 12.15 Luca D'Auria and Rosalba Zizza
A note on the McCloskey's algorithm for deciding whether a regular language is a code

Massimo Callisto De Donato and Maria Rita Di Berardini
A Framework for the Evaluation of Worst-Case System Efficiency

12.15 - 12.40 Laura Giambruno and Sabrina Mantaci
State complexities of transducers for bidirectional decoding of prefix codes

Federico Buti , Diletta Cacciagrano and Luca Tesei
BioShape: a uniform multi-scale simulator for biological systems

12.40 - 14.30     Lunch

Aula Arangio Ruiz
Track A - Computational Complexity
Aula Cantelmo Pasqui
Track B - Formal Methods
14.30 - 14.55 Olaf Beyersdorff, Nicola Galesi and Massimo Lauria
A Lower Bound for the Pigeonhole Principle in Tree-like Resolution by Asymmetric Prover-Delayer Games

Flavio Corradini, Andrea Polini, Alberto Polzonetti and Barbara Re
A User-Friendly Approach for Business Process Formal Verification

14.55 - 15.20 Olaf Beyersdorff, Nicola Galesi and Massimo Lauria
The Strength of Parameterized Tree-like Resolution

Michele Tartara , Stefano Crespi Reghizzi and Simone Campanoni
Extending hammocks for parallelism detection

15.20 - 15.45 Alessandra Cherubini , Claudia Nuccio and Emanuele Rodaro
On the alphabetical satisfiability of trace equations

Marco Gaboardi and Alexis Saurin
A foundational calculus for computing with streams

15.45 - 16.05     Coffee Break

Aula Arangio Ruiz
Track A - Cryptography
Aula Cantelmo Pasqui
Track B - Logics
16.05 - 16.30 Angelo De Caro , Vincenzo Iovino and Giuseppe Persiano
Fully Secure Anonymous HIBE with Short Ciphertexts

Marcello Maria Bersani and Achille Frigeri
Bounded Reachability for Temporal Logic over Constraint Systems

16.30 - 16.55 Anita Eusebi and Stefano Mancini
On a quantum two-way deterministic and d-dimensional cryptographic scheme

Domenico Cantone, Andrea Formisano, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo and Eugenio Omodeo
A graphical representation of relational formulae with complementation

17.30 - 19.30     Meeting of IC_EATCS, Aula Arangio Ruiz

Social Dinner at Villa Fornari


Aula degli Stemmi
9.00 - 10.00     Rossella Petreschi
Is there something more to say about L(2,1)-coloring of graphs?
10.00 - 10.40     Blerina Sinaimeri
Structures of Diversity
10.40 - 11.00     Coffee Break

Aula Arangio Ruiz
Track A - Algorithms on Graphs
Aula Cantelmo Pasqui
Track B - Constrained Systems
11.00 - 11.25 Gianlorenzo D'Angelo, Daniele Frigioni and Vinicio Maurizio .
An experimental study of distributed algorithms for shortest paths on real networks

Stefano Bistarelli, Paola Campli and Francesco Santini
Computing Coalitions of Arguments with CSPs

11.25 - 11.50 Andrea Frosini, Simone Rinaldi, Khalil Tawbeh and Laurent Vuillon
Reconstruction of $2$-convex polyominoes

Clara Bertolissi and Maribel Fernandez
Rewrite Specifications of Access Control Policies in Distributed Environments

11.50 - 12.15 Domenico Cantone and Simone Faro
Presented by Emanuele Giaquinta

Fast Shortest Paths Algorithms in the Presence of Few Negative Arcs

M.Carmen Ruiz, Diego Perez Leandrez, J.Jose Pardo and Diego Cazorla
BAL Tool: what else?

12.15 - 12.40 Blerina Sinaimeri and Tiziana Calamoneri
L(2,1)-Labeling of Oriented Planar Graphs

Daniela Briola, Maurizio Martelli and Viviana Mascardi
Specification, simulation and verification of negotiation protocols in a unified agent-based framework

12.40 - 14.30 : Lunch

Aula Aragio Ruiz
Track A - Algorithms
Aula Cantelmo Pasqui
Track B - Formal Languages
14.30 - 14.55 Carlo Cafaro, Sonia L'Innocente, Cosmo Lupo and Stefano Mancini
On Performance Quantifiers for Quantum Error Correcting Codes

Alberto Carraro and Antonino Salibra
Easy Lambda-terms are not Always Simple

14.55 - 15.20 Sumit Ganguly and Purushottam Kar
Estimating first frequency moment of data stream in nearly optimal space and time

Fabio Gadducci, Alberto Lluch Lafuente and Andrea Vandin
Counterpart Semantics for a Second-Order mu-Calculus

15.20 - 15.45 Salvatore Spinella, Eva Sciacca and Paola Giannini
Protein Sequence-Function Analysis Using Annotated Context-Free Grammars

Giovanna D'Agostino, Eugenio Omodeo, Alberto Policriti and Alexandru Tomescu
Mapping Hypersets into numbers

15.45 - 16.05 Sara Brunetti, Elena Lodi and Walter Quattrociocchi
Stubborn Entities in Colored Toroidal Meshes

Dario Colazzo and Carlo Sartiani
Precision and Complexity of X

16.05 : Closing