Distributed Calculus and Coordination

Articles suggested by the teacher as useful for the course


[Malone and Crowston ‘94]
T. Malone and K. Crowstone, The interdisciplinary study of coordination, ACM Computing Survey, vol.26, no.1, pp.87-119, 1994
[Gelernter and Carriero ‘92]
N. Carriero and D. Gelernter, Coordination languages and their significance, Communication of ACM, vol.35, no.2, 1992
T.B. Lee, J. Hendler and O. Lassila The Semantic Web, Scientific American, May 2001

[Jennings ‘00]
N. Jennings, Agent-based Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, no.117, 2000

[F. Corradini, E. Merelli]
F. Corradini, E. Merelli Hermes: middleware for mobile computing, LNCS 2005

[R. De Nicola]
R. De Nicola, G.L. Ferrari, and R. Pugliese, KLAIM: A Kernel Language for Agents Interaction and Mobility, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Vol. 26 N. 5, May 1998

[C. Mascolo]
C. Mascolo Mobile computing middelwarwe,

[M. Casagni]
Michelle Casagni, Margaret Lyell: Comparison of Two Component Frameworks: The FIPA-Compliant Multi-Agent System and The Web-Centric J2EE Platform

[K. Sykara]
Katia Sycara, Massimo Paolucci: The RETSINA MAS Infrastucture

[F. Bellifemmine]
F. Bellifemmine, A. Poggi, G. Rimassa: JADE – A FIPA-compliant agent framework